

Podiatrists located in Pawtucket, RI


Bunions affect about one-third of adults, making it hard to stand, walk, and exercise. At Blackstone Valley Foot and Ankle in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, experienced podiatrist Joseph Domenico, DPM, and his team offer high-quality care for bunions, including Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction® surgery. Lapiplasty addresses bunions at their source, relieving pain and restoring your mobility. It’s minimally invasive, allowing for less pain, reduced risk of infection, and a quicker recovery. Call Blackstone Valley Foot and Ankle today to schedule a bunion appointment, or book your visit online. 

Bunions Q & A

Do bunions make your big toe joint swell?

Bunions are a structural abnormality that causes the joint at the base of your big toe –– the metatarsophalangeal joint –– to swell and bulge outward. They form when the bones at the front of your foot change position, due to the structure of your foot or how you walk (gait). 

Anyone can have a bunion, but they’re most common in women and people who wear shoes that squeeze their toes together.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Bunion symptoms include:

  • Swelling of the big toe joint
  • Difficulty wearing certain types of shoes
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters on top of the big toe
  • Big toe pain or stiffness
  • Numbness in or around the big toe

As the bunion grows, you might have difficulty moving or bending your big toe.

How do podiatrists diagnose bunions?

Your Blackstone Valley Foot and Ankle provider asks about your symptoms, including when you first noticed the swelling and whether the pain is worse when you wear certain types of shoes, such as high heels. 

They examine the front of your foot and your big toe joint, checking for bruising, redness, and swelling. Your provider assesses the alignment of your big toe and asks you to bend it. They gently press on your big toe joint and the surrounding skin to identify sensitive areas. 

Then, your provider orders X-rays to check the position of the bones at the front of your foot.

How are bunions treated?

The Blackstone Valley Foot and Ankle team treats bunions with a conservative, minimally invasive approach. They might suggest:

  • Custom orthotics (prescription shoe inserts)
  • Wearing roomier shoes
  • Bunions pads or taping
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Physical therapy

Your provider recommends Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction if your symptoms continue or worsen, even after conservative treatments. Lapiplasty uses patented technology to realign your big toe joint. It’s quick, effective, and presents fewer risks than traditional bunion surgery. 

What is recovery like after Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction?

Recovery from Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction takes 4-6 weeks. After the procedure, it’s normal to have mild pain and swelling in your big toe joint. Take your medication as prescribed, wear your surgical boot at all times, and follow your provider’s instructions.

Call Blackstone Valley Foot and Ankle today to schedule bunion treatment, or book your appointment online.